Single Phase Distribution Board Wiring Diagram

Today i am gonna to tech you about single phase distribution board wiring diagram and instillation with video tutorial guide. In electrical and House wiring we use a main db board which we also known with name of breaker box board. In this post  i am gonna to share a one phase distribution board wiring with diagram and video tutorial.

Single Phase Distribution Board Wiring Diagram Explanation

The wiring diagram of db board i shown below in which i shown the energy meter wiring and double pole mcb and single pole mcb circuit breakers connections. I also shown in earth wire connection which is very important in electrical technology.

Now lets see the diagram of main board or main circuit breakers board.

Single Phase Distribution Board Wiring Diagram

In the above diagram i shown the kWh energy meter wiring connection, so if did understand the kWh connection for single phase the watch and read the below post.
kWh Energy meter connection guide with video tutorial

I also shown the single pole and double pole MCB (miniature circuit breaker) connection, so for better understanding also read below.
How to wire Single pole MCB breaker (Urdu / Hindi)
How to wire double pole Breaker (Urdu/Hindi)

In the above db diagram i shown the current transformer (CT Coil) and ammeter, So if you still did not know about the ammeter connection and instillation the view the below tutorials.

How to wire ammeter for AC And DC (Urdu / Hindi)
How To wire ampere meter with CT coil (Urdu / Hindi)

I also shown the voltage meter connection inside the distribution board wiring diagram, it's will be better to read the below posts.
How to instill and wire voltage meter for AC and DC (Urdu/Hindi)

In the above diagram i shown the inducater lights connection which we use in our electrical panel boards / DB boards for different works.
Also Read and Watch
How to wire and use Light indicators (Urdu/Hindi)

Single Phase Distribution Board Wiring Diagram Explanation in Urdu / Hindi video tutorial

Now come to learn  it by using a video tutorial, so for better understanding kindly watch the below single phase distribution board wiring diagram explanation video tutorial in Urdu/Hindi.

I hope after watching the above distribution board wiring explanation video tutorial, now you will understood each part of distribution board wiring for home wiring. Now if you have any question regarding the above single phase distribution board wiring diagram explanation video tutorials,  you can use the below comments section.

Sikandar Haidar is a hub of electrical and electronics tutorials and easy diagrams.

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